Business Info
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Organizational Behavior
Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in an
organization. It’s a study or research over the human resource and its behavior
within an organization. Organizational behavior is normative in nature and can
also be said as a ‘normative science’ because, it does include research and
other various factor relating to it. Organizational Behavior is goal-oriented.
Its main objective is to control over the organizational behavior and obtain
organizational goal.
Every human resource has different aspect and different
views, and with different views and their aspect they would have different
nature and behavior. Employees working within an organization in a same
particular job would still have different behavior. Therefore, to know and to
solve if wanted problems organizational behavior places a vital role.
Some of the main characteristics of Organizational Behavior
- · Goal- Oriented
- · Human Resource Research
- · Normative Science
- · Continuous Process
We can conclude that, without organizational behavior an organization
faces various problems and would be decrease in process toward their goal
achievement process. An organization to be smooth and success requires
organizational behavior or research through it.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Sale of Goods
The sale and purchase of goods is the most common character of the business transaction. In fact, it plays very significant role in every business operation. Most of the business, by its very nature comprise buying and selling of goods. All the agricultural and industrial produce goods for the purpose of selling in the market to earn money. The transaction of selling and buying occupy the large number within the whole business activities.
To recognize and regulate such business every country requires own legal framework. Every country of this world has arranged legal framework for governing this area. Both the Acts, the sale of goods act 1971 and the unfair contract term acct 1977 has governed
Carriage of Goods ( Transportation)
As being a necessary part of modern business, it is essential to regulate such business under legal framework. Therefore, every country of the world has made required legal framework to regulate carriage of goods. The goods are carried by land, sea or air. All the laws, relating to carriage of goods by land, sea or air, are considered as the law of carriage. The contract of carriage of goods under the law of carriage plays very significant role for operating the business activities.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Quasi Contract
Contract is formulated on the basis of free consent of its
parties. It is basic and general rule in the realm of contract but there are
some exceptional situation under which even in absence of free consent or even
in lacking of knowledge, a person becomes responsible to perform certain work
pursuant to law as a contractual liability. Law imposes contractual liability
to the person in certain circumstances for preventing the victim party and its
is accepted as in indirect or quasi contract. It is also one of the issue to be
discussed under concept of contract.
Duties and Liabilities of Surety
The liabilities of a surety arises from the creation of a
contract. But it comes into execution only when the principal debtor fails to
perform his obligation. The liabilities are already found in the name of
contract and provided in Section. 16 of NCA. But a surety may place a limit
upon his liability in the contract. The nature of liability of a surety
according to the contract of guarantee is give below:
or co-extensive nature of liability: The liability of the surety is
secondary and co-extensive with that of the principal debtor, unless it is
otherwise provided by the contract. In general terms the quantum of obligation
of a surety wills neither be more nor less than the surety will be responsible
until the principal debtor becomes free his liability.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Law of Company and Insolvency
When a person wants to operate any business or industry,
s/he has to establish a firm or company as specified by prevailing law. A
company plays very important role to develop the commerce and industry in the
world because it is an organization having separate identity from its promoters
and it has covered almost all areas of the business. In the contemporary world,
all the big type of institutions, organization, insurance, banks, industries
etc are operated as companies. To arrange the sufficient finance, to limit the
liability, to operate the business as an organized way and to operate the
transnational huge business as easy way, the company is as a panacea.
Company is an artificial person that is created, run and
ended by the law. The scope of company is wider than that of partnership firm
of business. Partnership firm is a suitable device for a small group of
partners who take personal interest and there is a mutual trust and confidence
among them. The concept of the formation of a company is to outcome of
experiences of partnership business and incorporation by registration. In partnership
the liability of the partners for the debts of the business is unlimited. They
are bound to meet without any limit, all the business obligations of the firm.
The company being a separate person, the liability of its shareholders is
limited in the context of company. The shareholders are not liable personally.
The concept of a
person is great achievement of jurisprudence that enables to deal with someone
as a person in the eye of law. Law is the creation of a human being and
artificial person is creation of law but in the eye of law there is not so
significant difference between them. Only those who are capable to enjoy the
rights and fulfill the duty are person in the eye of law, whether natural or
artificial. In this sense Law creates the rights and obligation of persons and
divides them to two classes:
Natural person
Artificial person
person: Natural person are the human beings.
person: Artificial person are those persons created and developed by
laws for the purpose of society and government.
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